The “HOME” in “Home Bakery”

I didn’t start out saying I was starting a home bakery. I didn’t even start out trying to sell desserts. It just happened. So much of my life is that way. Now here I am, neck deep in home bakery. I’ve worked hard to have a great desserts, don’t get me wrong. I just never could have guessed that I would being selling them, or that people would actually buy them, or that other people who aren’t related to me or paid to rejoice would be so delighted with my desserts. After all, I had only made a couple of things from scratch when I started this crazy journey. Yet, here I am.

One of the hang ups I’ve consistently had is that my bakery is in my home. My clients don’t seem to mind. They are the one who have encouraged me to keep going. Some of them even choose Sweet Bytes just because we are a home bakery. Yet, if you were to call me out of the blue after searching for dessert on Google, I would probably ask if you were aware that I was a home bakery, even though it is declared many times over throughout the site. I know our online presentation is top notch and I guess I worry that when someone pulls up and my home isn’t a little gingerbread house with a candy cane lane that they will be disappointed. Maybe I’m a little disappointed- ha ha. However, it is what it is, our home.

So when you walk in and the front room is a production line and there’s a refrigerator by the front door, don’t be alarmed. The baby gates aren’t for babies anymore, they remind the people who live in our home of sacred lines of Sweet Bytes where only “employees” are welcome. It looks a little crazy. It’s not a Pinterest model home, but we do live in a bakery. 

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About Mikel Ibarra

Mikel Ibarra holds a BFA in painting, is a certified cake decorator, teaches baking and cake decorating classes, and frequently combines her passions for the sake of art. Sweet Bytes is where she shares everything she knows about the art of baking and running a baking business.