About 2 years ago I was looking at the Metropolitan Library System website and they were asking for people to submit their “library story.” I cannot tell you in this small space what a fan of the library I am, but I can tell you how excited I was to write my library story for them. I was so eager to tell them all of the wonderful ways that I have used the library over the years that I just wrote and wrote, straight from my heart. After I submitted it, I didn’t hear anything back from them, time went on, and I went about my business. Eventually didn’t even think about it and really forgot I wrote it.
Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago, I get a call from the library’s Director of Development and Volunteer Services, Heather Zeoli! She was preparing the presentations for the Literary Voices annual fundraising event and she asked if they could share MY library story! Rene and I got to go to the dinner at the Oklahoma City Golf and Country Club, meet the guest author, Lisa Scottoline, and it was just such an honor to have my story inspire others to donate their time and money to the library! Also, while attending the dinner, I too was inspired to give back to the library. I have taken so much and it is always there when I need knowledge or entertainment. I’ve never considered where all of those amazing resources come from and it never really occurred to me that volunteers and donations make our remarkable Oklahoma City Metropolitan Library system possible.
It’s funny how things work out. In case you are curious about what my library story could have possibly been about, I will tell you a bit. I am an avid learner and reader, but I haven’t always put myself in the best life situations and often times life just seems like I’m downhill, if you know what I mean. So, I have to dig myself out of holes and find mentors the best way I can. The library is FULL of role models for when I come up short, and information for when I don’t know how, and adventures for when I just need a break. I have used it in every way. When I made the leap from school teacher to baker, I was starting from the bottom and I used the library to help me every step of the way, from business planning to recipes. As long as there are libraries, I know that I will always be able to figure out what I need to know to get to the next level.