Yes, I’m still here! What better way to celebrate living than S’mores? August 10th has been declared National S’mores Day in the United States. Although, people in Oklahoma probably won’t be building any campfires in August. Maybe up north this is campfire weather. Here in OKC it’s the hottest time of the year and we are usually in a burn ban and not even allowed to grill, let alone build a campfire! Ha ha!
I do just love all of the “National Days” and Celebration Days. Who even made these up? If I meet them, I will thank them, because today WE DINE ON S’MORES!

I haven’t made time to post much lately. All of my news is good news, but it’s nothing that I want to talk about… yet! I can’t wait until I can tell you everything that the Sweet Bytes Team has been up to. Hopefully it will be VERY SOON! Until next time! – Mikel